Below are some of the frequently asked questions that we receive. We hope that our answers will help you, but if not please don't hesitate to contact us at
[email protected].
"What is AWF?"
Stichting Arab West Foundation is a non-profit organisation registered in the Netherlands (the word ‘stichting’ means 'foundation' in Dutch). The Foundation has ANBI status in the Netherlands meaning that donations by Dutch citizens are tax deductible.
"What does AWF do?"
AWF achieves its aims through its activities, which includes publishing Arab-West Report and commissioning the review, translation and commentary on the Arabic press in Egypt, and occasionally outside of Egypt, and publishing these articles for scholars, students, researchers, diplomats and many other individuals and organisations.AWF also runs projects which promote dialogue and intercultural tolerance and understanding and AWF staff gives presentations and participate in conferences and seminars in Egypt, Europe and beyond.
"Does AWF make grants to people or organisations?"
No. Please do not send us grant applications or requests for funding.
"Where does AWF work?"
Although AWF is registered in the Netherlands, much work is done in Maadi, Cairo. Further cooperation has been facilitated with partners in Lebanon, Syria, Germany, the Netherlands, Prague, Egypt and Jordan.
"How can I get involved or support AWF?"
• Volunteer: As a non-profit organisation we constantly seek to involve volunteers from anywhere in the world to work with us on location or remotely. We would particularly like to hear from people with research, translation or IT skills such as database design and management and data librarians.
Donate: We welcome inquiries from any individuals who wish to make a financial contribution to our work. For information on how to make contributions click